Sunday, October 14, 2012

No Regrets

Many people will pity the tragic stories they read in the newspaper or hear about on the local news station about innocent helpless people getting hurt, robbed, or even killed. While doing so one question may ponder in their mind: what would I have done? A few would be thankful they were not put in that situation, but a numerous amount would say; I could have been the superhero and saved their life. In reality though,many people say that, but don't have enough courage to stand up for what they believe is right. 

As shown in The Crucible, if any of the girls were brave enough to stand up for themselves and tell the truth, they could have saved and protected innocent lives. Sadly though, it was like Abigail was truly a witch and cast a spell on the girls forcing them to say and behave the only way she commands them to. If one girl would have spoken out against Abigail, there is a chance many would have followed. 

This also relates to the article we read, "The Dying Girl That No One Helped." People saw that Kitty was struggling severely and bleeding, but did anyone help her? No. When put into the situation of sacrificing your own life to help another, many back down. The fear of what may happen to your own life sweeps across the entire body. Just like the girls in The Crucible, fear of what Abigail might do to them caused them not to speak out. Standing up for what you believe is easier said than done, but in the end it will be worth it. We need to learn to put others before ourselves because just one helpful deed could save a life. Also, realize that courage will come when you pursue the right action, just don't back down or you may regret it forever.   

1 comment:

  1. I really like that you talked about how people say they would've been the hero in a situation they read in the news, but they probably wouldn't have the courage to actually do that if it really happened. This is so true! People are too afraid of what will happen to themselves, rather than caring about what will happen to the victim.
