A special blog I didn't know had even existed until a couple weeks ago was PostSecret. When we watched the video about it in class, the whole concept behind this blog really spoke to me. I found it incredible how so many people had the courage and wanted to reveal their secrets to an audience of more than a million. Many of the secrets broke my heart to read, but as Thanksgiving came it made me very thankful that I didn't have to hide the secrets many others do and it made me blessed for the life I have. Reading this blog has made me appreciate everything I have more. By just looking at somebody they may seem as happy and joyful as can be, but you may never know the secrets that are slowly deteriorating them.
As we wrapped up and finished the Scarlet Letter we saw the effect that a secret can have on one. Dimmesdale passed away and grew sick because of the burden he felt by trying to hide that he committed adultery with Hester. His secret was too much for him to hold onto any longer. Also in the poem "The History Teacher," the teacher tries to hide the truth about past events and how they actually happened. By making historical events seem innocent, his secret only impacts himself. The kids on the playground are just as harmful anyway not knowing the truth about world events. This shows that maybe some secrets can make you feel better about yourself, just like the history teacher feeling proud and innocent lying to the children.Secrets can make you feel joyful, trapped, angry, depressed, or even happy, but it is up to you to be the judge of that.
You know a piece of literature is good when you can't take your eyes away from it. This past we week we read the incredible piece "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," by Harriet Jacobs. The journey the narrator Linda had to make was unbelievable. This narrative was even more powerful because it was told in a first person point of view. When it came to the lines, "I was about to risk everything on the throw of a die; and if I failed, O what would become of me and my poor children? They would be made to suffer for my fault." The suspense leads up, but it also shows how kind and considerate Linda is of others. She did not choose to run away for her own personal benefit, but for her loved ones. It is crazy to think that slavery did happen in America. When you look around the classroom today, you see so many different races. It is hard to imagine that there were once separated drinking fountains, buses, or restaurants and the abuse humans went to get their equal rights. The piece Jacobs wrote helps connect anyone to what many African Americans had to suffer through. Most people here take their freedom for granted, but imagine how different the world would be if we didn't make a change and slavery still existed. It would be an abusive, disastrous, and a terrifying place.
Society kills, litterly. The guilt Dimmesdale let climb upon his body and weaken his mind, finally destroyed him in the end. It wasn't just his own guilt though, it was the way society viewed him. The townspeople loved and worshiped Dimmesdale. Their praise for him only led him to feel worse about himself. Society also hurt and punished Hester. The townspeople and even the children judged and looked down upon her because of the scarlet letter she was forced to wear. Even when she did helpful things for the poor she was rewarded with harsh and bitter insults.
Why is society so judgmental? Has it changed much to this day? If you commit adultery now, you will not be as severely punished, but will still be looked down upon. Society has the tendency to believe that everyone should be a certain way and act like perfect little angels. That is not true, each individual should be able to be themselves and not have to worry about being judged. Just like how "Self-Reliance" expresses the need to misunderstood. Emerson states," Is it so bad to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus...and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood." If you want to be great you must break out of the barriers society has set on you. Don't let society ruin you. Hester's punishment made her stronger even when she was faced with the toughest battles.
Many people in today's society do not have the courage to stand up and take the blame for the sins they may have committed. Even though Hester can be seen as a bad person through many eyes, she is actually a very powerful and kind character. She receives her punishment and wears the scarlet letter without complaining. She is also very caring towards the sick and the poor. I know for a fact that if I tried helping a person and they just threw insults back at me instead of being thankful, I would just stop trying. They would be on their own. Hester has the incredible ability though, to keep helping and giving her time to the less fortunate even when they are not appreciative.

Hester's courage and kindness relates to everyone striving to do good for our country. Many will get criticized for the hard charitable work they do, but that will not stop them.We have such a large amount of volunteers right now trying to help with Hurricane Sandy and deep down everyone knows they are appreciative of the extra help. Criticism should never stop you from achieving your full potential. We need to learn how to be more like Hester and to put other's needs before our own. Imagine how much better the world would be if we all just helped each other out.